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Why do we Equalize?

Learn why need to equalize while we are scuba diving. Understand why your ears pop when there are changes in ear pressure. Learn basic gas laws and the anatomy of the ear to gain a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of how the ear works and how descending and ascending in water requires equalization.

How to Equalize?

Learn and Practise different equalization techniques used by amateurs and professionals today. Use our interactive videos and webcam technologies to learn the Vasalva, Frenzel, and Tonybee Manoeuvres, as well as how swallowing and jaw wiggling can help with the process. View animations to see how each of these equalization techniques actually affect the ear.

When to Equalize?

Play an interactive game where you learn how often you should equalize during a normal dive. This will improve the user’s confidence when starting diving and show them how often they really must equalize during a dive even if they do not feel discomfort. This will prevent injuries and make them better scuba divers from their first dive.

Scuba Signals

Learn and practice basic scuba diving signals and memorize all the necessary skills to be able to communicate effectively and efficiently under water.

Coming Soon

One Year

Dive Table Pro

Learn, understand and Practice with your Dive Table with our Khan Academy Style Videos and Quizzes. Learn the science behind the simple but effective time table for scuba diving which is essential to prevent injuries

Coming Soon

One Year

Dive injuries and Stings

Learn and Practice dealing with dive related and animal related injuries–from a jellyfish sting to cutting your leg on coral – both under and above water

Coming Soon

One Year